Dhanno said: "Yeah, there's this guy in her coaching classes who likes Bijli."
I said: "And does Bijli like him?"
Dhanno said: "Naaah! He's ugly."
I said: "So if someone is ugly, you can't like him?"
Dhanno rolled her eyes and said: "So now you want us to look at the guy's internal beauty and all? Analyze whether he is marriage material? What, Mom?"
Mom effectively silenced.
Am unsure if i want to roll eyes along with dhanno,
or stand silenced alongside banno, bearing the cross of motherhood bloopers.
The Quasimodos of the world have a rough youth, yes. It prepares them for a lifetime spent answering IT Support calls though, so it all works out.
Lol.....you hit the bull's eye!! ;) 'non-ugly'...Joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S had used that when he was looking for a room-mate (trust joey to think of this)
Unrelated comment:
Saw your name in the end credits of Dispatches on Ch4. Excellent work!
Phew. Tough, being mother of a smart kid:)
Smart kid, that ."rolls her eyes at Banno and winks at the smart 'un"
Since you guys have blessings of Bum Bum Bhole, worry not.
When she falls in love, you will have to look inside yourself for his inner beauty I am sure...
i'm thinking banno is going to hear a lot more stuff like that. : ) tell dhanno, she has a fan!
dhanno says: i love the comment about F.R.I.E.N.D.S..... its my favourite show since im in 3rd or 4th..my mother made me a fan of it. i have seen more episodes then her. and obviously, joey is my favourite.
in my defence though, this conversation was the product of my mother's silly questions and my perennial sarcasm!!
Yay! Way to go girl. Who says appreciating 'outer' beauty is the prerogative of men?!
You keep ogling, girl, but when the time comes to make that final decision, then yes, look beyond what you can see :-)
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